Society and Culture at Stella

was created and is updated by Katie Price and students at Stella Maris College, Manly, NSW.

Monday 3 September 2012


Post your ideas for revision strategies and activities as comments below!!! Then pick one that you've not tried before and give it a go!! (And comment to let us know how it goes!).
Lets see if we can find the best of the best revision techniques!!!

Here's one for you to start with: 
(From SLN GeoRevision)

Red Pen Black Pen

The idea is that the two colours work on the two halves of the brain. The black pen signifies the information that you already hold in your conscious memory. The red pen signifies those things in your unconscious memory that you wish to transfer into your conscious memory. The red pen strongly signifies danger and is held by your unconscious memory without realising it.
The revision technique has several stages :
Stage 1 – Produce a concept map to cover a topic you wish to revise e.g. farming (attached). Could be set as a homework, obviously how you set out your concept map is personal to you and students will learn faster by having completed this first step themselves.
Stage 2 – Produce a blank skeleton of your concept map (attached)
Stage 3 – In the lesson ask the students to revise from their concept map for 10 minutes – no longer !
Stage 4 – Turnover the concept map with the answers on it. With your black pen write down everything that you can remember.
Stage 5 – When you cannot remember anymore turn over the answer sheet and then fill in the blanks in red. This is the end of the first evolution.
Stage 6 – Spend 10 minutes revising from the sheet you have been working on.
Repeat from stage 4 !
During the exercise the amount of black ink should increase and the red pen decrease as you transfer more information into your conscious memory.

Sunday 19 August 2012

Saudi Arabia - The first ever women-only city?!

Kate told us about an amazing current event - the design and building of a brand new city in Saudi Arabia... for women only!!

Is this something to celebrate as CHANGE in recognition of women's rights in a society where inequality is so evident, or is it an example of CONTINUING gender segregation?
See her full report for more information and how it relates to the Society and Culture concepts.

World Countries - International Stats

Here is a great website to find out a bit about different countries around the world. Not so much focussed on social and cultural elements but interesting none-the-less!
Click on the statistics tables tabs for more data too.

Tuesday 7 August 2012

Tips and Look Out's- when planning and using methodologies

Here are some excellent Top Tips and Things to Think about for whenever you are planning your research methodologies (in a project) or having to analyse their usefulness or validity (in an Evaluation of a project, or in an exam question). 

Research Methodologies - Glossary

Here is a link to your official guide for Research Methodologies. You will need these for assignments, exams and of course... your PIP!

Monday 6 August 2012

Olympic Truce Campaign - 'Equal Olympic Opportunity'?!

With all the hype and excitement of the Olympics at the moment, Monica decided to look a little more closely at what issues have arisen in Olympics past and how they are today. A little healthy competition and banter between teams and countries is in full flow at the moment, but it has not always been a positive, internationally harmonious event.

Inequality and discrimination has been seen throughout the years the Olympic Games have started from the beginning until now. It was not until 1992 that the world united and everyone from all countries were able to compete in the Olympic Games. The following examples show some of the history:

The Olympic truce campaign has been created for all countries to travel to and from the games in peace with no racial discrimination from other countries or no conflicts and to also achieve peace throughout the games.  Within  the Olympic Village is an Olympic Peace Wall 2012 which is signed by all competitors of the Olympic  Games that have all agreed to live and compete in peace.

Colorado Shootings "I am the Joker"

Lucy analyses the recent news of the Colorado "Batman movie' shooting, linking it to a variety of the Society and Culture concepts.

A gunman wearing a gas mask and sheathed head-to-toe in body armor opened fire in a theater packed for a midnight showing of a just-released Batman movie, killing at least 12 people and wounding 58 others.

MEDIA: The suspected shooter, James E. Holmes, considered himself as the Joker from the famous batman movie “The Dark Knight Rises”. He was influenced from this type of media to go on the rampage in Colorado, and tried to bring the character to life.
PERSONAL IDENTITY: James E. Holmes identified himself as ‘the Joker.’ He was trying to bring a movie character to life, and changed his personal identity to one of a fiction character.
POWER: James E. Holt had a lot of power in the Colorado shootings, and would have felt very confident with all his weapons and his costuming.