Society and Culture at Stella

was created and is updated by Katie Price and students at Stella Maris College, Manly, NSW.

Monday 6 August 2012

Women, race and stereotypes... what message is Disney giving girls today?

Disney Movie Princesses: what messages do they send out to young girls on how to be a woman and will it lead to 'happily ever after' today?  Danielle reviewed these questions using examples of Disney characters.
"For example; Cinderella why did the Prince choose her? Why didn’t he give the UGLY step sisters a chance but gave the household maid a chance first up from her looks? Do all men only go for beautiful looking women and not care about what comes with it? We also see in the movies every successful male is always the strongest and always seems to save the female from anything she couldn’t handle. The Princess is beautiful, always innocent and does what she's told. Is that the messages Disney Movies wanted to make children think life’s all about? Getting told what to do just because you’re a woman?
You will find little aspects in life where you never knew stereotypes were hidden that seem to reinforce those stereotypes in society. Times have changed but it seems these classic childrens films have not and therefore may mean that these stereotypes and expectations stay around for a long time to come!"

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