Society and Culture at Stella

was created and is updated by Katie Price and students at Stella Maris College, Manly, NSW.

Monday 23 April 2012

A real man...

Thanks to Camille for this excellent discussion:

Are you a real man? Do you know someone who is a ‘real’ man?
1.       Are they chivalrous and respectful? That’s pretty ‘manly.’
2.       Are they disrespectful to women and constantly put them down? That seems to be pretty ‘manly’ these days too.

Herein lies our paradox.

Jackson Katz’ book, The Macho Paradox, profoundly challenges the definition of manhood. Are men real men when violence against women is involved physically and verbally? Are men programmed to be violent or are people naturally violent?

Society and culture are highlighted repeatedly in this book. Concepts of gender and power are major features, as men fearing women constantly slam women to defend their ‘masculinity.’ Are men brought up this way, passed down by enculturation? Has violence against women accelerated along with the technology that allows access to the 10,000 porn videos released in the U.S.A every year? This pattern has led people to evaluate continuity and change that come with gender violence and how societies can prevent it. 
From Eminem to high school sex scandals, this type of violence concerns every individual and influences them to make decisions. This is not a ‘women’s issue’, it is something that men play a role in too and it should be acknowledged. True manhood most certainly shouldn’t involve harming of another human being. Jackson Katz’ discusses hundreds of factors more on this topic from personal experiences to quantitative data. He also acknowledges the book called the ‘Cinderella complex’, where it claims that very independent women still desire to be protected by a male. The gender stereotypes are overwhelming and cease to end! The Macho Paradox proves to be as complex and puzzling as society and culture itself.
See the powerpoint accompanying this here.

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